Daily Archives: July 13, 2022

High Sleeper Beds Or Bunk Beds

Do You Need A High Sleeper Bed and A Bunk Bed

In our most recent blog, we looked at everything there is to know about mid sleeper beds. From who might sleep in the bed, what kind of décor best suits this type of bed and everything else in between. We were considering producing a similar guide for the faithful high sleeper bed. However, we realised that what our customers are more keen to know is what is the difference between a high sleeper bed and a bunk bed

Commonly, bunk and high rise beds are the subject of much confusion. Furthermore, many customers do not know which style of bed is best for them. 

So, we thought instead of looking at just high rise beds, why not look at both high sleepers and bunk beds. For this guide, we will be looking at high sleepers and bunk beds exclusively. We have decided to look at the benefits of both, similarities, limitations of the various models, the main differences and much more. So, let’s look at the main differences between high rise beds and bunk beds. 

The Main Differences Between High Sleeper Beds and Bunk Beds

If you were to think there is a long and complicated explanation to what the main difference between a high rise bed and a bunk bed is; they you would be wrong. To put it simply, a high sleeper bed is a bed which is positioned a sufficient distance from the ground. A bunk bed is essentially a high sleeper bed, but with a bed underneath. 

Essentially other than this, there are no real differences between them. This might be why they are both so commonly mixed up. 

Both forms have very similar bed styles as well as having similar limitations. Whether that be changing bed frames, mattresses or pillows, most can be used on both forms of beds. The only difference being that a bunk bed has to accommodate for another sleeper in a bed underneath.

Advantages of High Sleeper Beds

The high rise is the metaphorical cousin to the mid sleeper bed. Much like the mid sleeper, the bed caters to a younger audience. However, the high sleeper bed can sometimes cater to slightly older children. 

In fact, the high sleeper has proven quite popular with teenagers and even young adults. So this is one of the many advantages of high rise beds.

 Another big advantage of the previously mentioned bed is the fact you can install a sufficient set up underneath the bed. It is actually this factor which makes the model so appealing to so many of the older children and/or teenagers. For example, many users of the bed install a gaming or an office desk set up underneath the bed. 

If you wish, you do not need to have anything underneath the bed. Many people use the space under them as a convenient storage solution. This is particularly popular use for people who may have limited space for storage at their home. 

Another positive is the sheer novelty of being levitated off the ground. While this may not be a particularly big selling point for older children but nevertheless, there is little denying it still has a certain novelty value. 

Advantages of Bunk Beds

Many of the advantages of high rise beds ring true for bunk beds; this is of course minus the underbed storage benefit. Afterall, a bed will be in the place where you planned to store the equipment or items. 

However, this does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing. In fact, one of the main benefits is the that you will have two beds in one structure. This on it’s own has many benefits. For example, having a bunk bed will save you money as usually bunk beds are cheaper than buying two separate child’s beds. 

Bunk beds can also be very helpful for younger children who fear sleeping on their own at night. Younger children can sometimes have a fear of the dark or another kind of bedroom fear. Having someone in the room with them, in an easily contactable position puts their minds at ease and enables them to have a much better night’s sleep. 

On the topic of bed sharing, a potential advantage of bunk beds for many children is being able to technically share a bed with a fellow family member or, even, a friend. 

As you can see, there are many advantages to both high rise and bunk beds. In fact, many of them are shared. 

Disadvantages of High Sleeper Beds

While we have frequently touched on the many advantages of the high rise beds, and as previously stated, there are many, there are a few caveats. 

One potential disadvantage of the highly levitated bed is that it does not overtly appeal to adults or the elderly. Well this can be fine, it actually creates a sense of exclusivity for children using the bed, the sheer practically of an elderly person using a high sleeper bed is problematic. As you get older, your mobility can be severely affected and as such; climbing a set of ladders to get into bed can prove difficult. 

Another potential disadvantage of high sleepers is the fact that you can not customise them. Well this is not a particularly big negative, it is worth stating nonetheless. Because many high rise beds are single beds, you can not implement many double bed features. For example, you could not install one of our luxury double bed frames. 

Disadvantages of Bunk Beds

Much like the frequently mentioned high sleeper beds, bunk beds do not cater to older customers. For many, this can be a negative on it’s own. 

In terms of other disadvantages, the same also rings true in terms of customisation. Moreover, bunk beds have even less room for customisation. This is because you have the added problem of having two beds to cater for. 

Another potential disadvantage of the bunk bed is bed sharing. Earlier this year, we produced a blog detailing some of the advantages of bed sharing. While many enjoy sharing their sleeping space, some do not enjoy this pleasure. When sharing your sleeping quarters with someone else, it opens the door to potential snores and other annoying sleep habits. 

We Provide Quality Children’s Beds

While we have listed some potential disadvantages of high sleeper and bunk beds, there is little doubt that these style of beds expertly fit their purpose. Many of the negatives are actually by design alone. And we feel it pretty clear that the positives certainly outweigh the negatives. 

At UK Bed Store, we stock a wide range of colourful children’s beds. These include our previously mentioned kids high sleepers, loft beds and, of course, bunk beds. We also stock a wide selection of well known kids bed brands. These include Birlea and Thuka

So if you are looking for a new bed for your child, please contact us. We are sure we will be able to help you.