The issues surrounding the use of real leather products are genuine and diverse, too much so for one blog post to capture. In the interest of humanity, we only stock faux leather beds in our collection. To broach the issue is tricky, but when it comes to aesthetic issues, there are clear positives and negatives.
Real vs. Faux – The Differences for Leather Beds:

Firstly, let’s consider the merits of using real leather. It possess an unmistakable smell and touch that’s evocative of its luxurious appearance. Not only that, but it wears with age, often giving it a more distinguished and mature look as time passes. These traits simply can’t be replicated. However, leather is also high maintenance. To keep it looking its best, it require regular waxing. It also tends to stretch with use, not a positive trait when used for a leather bed.
On the other hand, there is faux leather. Faux leather is very low cost and is produced to order. It’s shape and colour aren’t defined by the hide of the right beast. It involves less overall waste, both in terms of material and in terms of wildlife. Faux leather is much lower maintenance. If anything is spilled on the body of a leather bed, it can easily be wiped clean – and waterproof options are available. Faux leather also doesn’t crack or fade like real leather – associated positives and negatives as they are, depending on whether you want to keep the look or let it mature. Faux leather does come in a wide range of finishes and colours and, as such, can emulate the look of a mature leather bed right from day one.
The choice of which materials to use is always up the designers, and of course up to you the customer as to which products you want to support. Let us know which type of leather you prefer in the comments bellow!
At UK Bed Store we stock a wide range of leather beds in our Staffordshire store. You can click to view our full range of leather beds. Or, for a personal enquiry, contact us! We’re open from 9am to 5:30pm and are available via e-mail, telephone, post, or in person – get in touch!